Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Still here

We are still at the hospital. On Monday we where told that the day to go home was here. Dan came and brought all of her stuff (oxygen, monitor,jammies, and car seat) we loaded the car with all the junk I had (clothes, food, shoes, ect...) and we were ready to go. Before we actually managed to leave her heart rate went really high (208) and her breathing became strained (and this was all just out of no where). The Docs decided that she had to stay and be watched. Then they decided she has a virus of some sort (not RSV,they tested her twice for that) and now we are here until it runs its course. She had to be moved because she was in a semi-private room but is no longer considered "clean" because she is sick not just recovering. We where moved into a private room "isolation",but then moved again into another room that was also private but she had to share it. That was horrible, horrible, horrible -We had to fit 2 babies and 2 adults into a room meant for 1baby and 1 adult. I was pretty upset last night (and that is putting it mildly). I took a picture of my area to give everyone and idea of what i was dealing with.

now this chair is a bed when it is pulled out. The trouble was that when it is pulled out only on person could be by Kourtneys crib. Now she requires a whole team for her care (4 doctors, 1 nurse, and 1 tech) plus this is a teaching hospital so the nurse has a student with her. The monitor was not one hooked up at the nurses station and because we were in the back corner they could not hear the beeping so I was constantly going to the nurses station. Luckly this after noon we were moved into an actual private room (and it is not equipped to share, so her nurse told me that there is no way they can move someone else in here with us). Because she is not consider "clean" (she has a virus) but not "dirty" either (no RSV) she hopefully gets to keep this room until she goes home (unless they run out of room and once again become over crowded). I will never complain about a semi-private room again, I learned my leason. I hope she gets to come home soon, Kadrey and Jaxon both cried tonight when they had to leave and I was staying here again(plus they miss Kourtney and its not the same to give her kisses with a hospital mask on), it is not the greatest thing to be in the hospital. I am just glad that her problems started while we were still here and not on the ride home.


Cannwin said...

When Ian was in the hospital for his dehydration I thought I was in my own personal hell. It's like locking yourself in a room with someone who won't sleep and cries the entire time (in fact that's exactly how it was).

Robert is always the one to stay overnight cause I don't handle it very well. Sleep deprivation and my patience level don't go together.

So props to you for being the great mom that you are and dealing with a cramped room with a complete stranger. I will keep you guys in my prayers.

Amber said...

Oh, that's a crappy situation but I do agree that it's better that it happened there instead of elsewhere. All my good thoughts are with you and I hope that things look up soon.