Monday, April 18, 2011

My Kourtney!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today marks two years since Kourtney left her home on earth and returned to her Heavenly
Father. I love her lots and lots and I miss her. She is a very special Angel and is in a very special place. I am happy that I day I get to be with her again:)
The doctors told me that she would probably not live through the birth and I prayed that she would get to spend a little while with her family. After she was born I was told that we might get one day with her. We got eight months - at times it was trying on us, but I will always be grateful:) I love her so much!

Jaxon was told that because his little sister had died he was not a big brother anymore - that really upset him. I told him that even though Kourtney now lives in heaven and not on earth he would always be her big brother. She will always be part of all of us.


Heidi said...

so i'm sitting here at school reading your post and it made me cry. I can't believe it's been two years. You are such a great mommy and Kourtney is so lucky that she will have you in heaven, I know she is there waiting for you! I Love that little girl...

Cannwin said...

I'd seriously have trouble not smacking someone if they said that to my son... even if it was a child.

Tonight I was at the third grade music performance and they sang Rainbow Connection and I thought of you. Then when we got home I talked to my Vicbowin about you and Kourtney and she said, "But Mom, the best thing about that story is that it's all okay. She' in the Celestial Kingdom now!"

You are, as always, in my heart. :)