Sunday, March 21, 2010

Oh, some days....

I took Kadrey to the doc on Wednesday because she had been coughing since last Sunday. Now I know that is a while to wait but I really thought it was her asthma getting out of control. The Doc. said she had croup (yes 7 yr old can get croup, most out grow croup by this age - but some don't). I had to take her back today because after the steroid treatment she still coughs so much. Now they say she has walking pneumonia. I knew this is what they would probably decide she had and I had already tried to talk myself into being calm and I think I handled it pretty well:) Didn't really freak out:) They put her onto antibiotics and says she can still go to school and do everything she would normally do. Hopefully this medicine works cuz I really need her to get better and to not cough all night so that she and I can both get some sleep - sleep would probably help her also, but every time she lays down she coughs, plus I just need her to get better.:)

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