Friday, March 8, 2013

Jaxons hair......

He decided that he wanted to grow out his hair.  What a pain.  Everyday we had to blow dry it and style it (it took more time to do then Kadreys).  It finally got long enough that he had to wear a headband during soccer and basketball so that it would not get into his eyes.  I took him a couple of weeks ago to get it cut and shaped up - I hated hated it,  I tried to straighten it and that worked ok but really it just looked silly and I hated it so the other day I buzzed it:)  it was a fight and I had to chase him down and drag him into the kitchen and then he ran and hid again so after I got him back in the kitchen I held him down with my arm and leg and then I hurried and buzzed one strip of his hair and then I told him he could stop fighting me and let me finish or just walk around like that haha!
it was nice for crazy hair day lol!
The comb got stuck!

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