It was only a 4 day weekend and the big kids had theirs like 2 weeks ago but I was so excited no work. So it all started on Saturday, we went to Lagoon and Kashy seemed so hot but we figured it was from the sun and she was just getting over heated - Dan and I found a shady spot and had her lay down on the grass (on a blanket) while the older kids ran around with some friends they ran into - yay. After we got home and she was still burning up *by this point she was really burning up* and would not eat dinner I decide to run to the store and get her some Tylenol (plus the Easter bunny needed a few more things). She would not sleep that night and had a very high fever the next day (that the medicine would only knock down for an hour or so) and she would not eat. So on Monday morning I took her to the doctors - 3.5 hours later (after blood samples and urine samples) they could not find a cause but her white blood cell count was very high (30) so they gave her a "shotgun" antibiotic shot and told me to bring her in the next day to do it all again:) but we were promised that we would not be there as long on Tuesday. So the next day I took her in and her count was down to 20 ( I think 6 is normal, I think) and they had to give her the shot again and then we have to wait for like 20 min to make sure she does not have a reaction, well she did - a rash all over her chest and neck, and she was very agitated and would not let anyone touch her expect mama (me) and she had to have her blanket around her up to her neck and if it wasn't she got really mad. So they gave us benadryl and Tylenol and just told us to bring her back if it got worse but it did not, she slept for like 5 hours that day and has only had a slight fever since then. They gave us a day to see how she is doing but we have to take her back tomorrow to make sure the infection is almost gone - but how weird is that. She was fine and then suddenly she had a nasty bacterial infection (that is what the doc called it). That is how is spent my spring break ugh.

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