Thursday, January 27, 2011


Yuck, moles..........nasty little things. I went to the Doc. last week to have a couple "looked" at. So I showed him these two moles that I was concerned about (he was not), a different one (near the one I felt needed examining) caught his eye and he asked if I had others that looked like that one. Well I had 2 more (that I know of - I cant see everywhere on me:) and he felt that they needed to be removed right then. So he numbed me up and sliced them off with a razor blade - I never knew that having moles removed could hurt, and the cutting part did not, the days that have followed have been some sore ones. I actually called in to work the following day because it hurt to stand up straight (I had some on my stomach) and I had not slept well that first night ( I had one on my back, so how do you sleep?).
It's been just over a week and they are still sore (when will it end?!)

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