Sunday, November 21, 2010

PT conference

Well - the time of year has come again and we got to meet with both of the kids teachers last week.

Kadrey is doing well, she was in Math tutoring for about 2 months but she is now back up to the level she needs to be at. She does very well in most all subjects. Sometimes she gets a little to involved in
her books and forget to pay attention to her teacher, her other problem is the same one she has had for a while - TALKING- but for the most part she is doing wonderful!!!!!!

Jaxon is doing awesome. He started the school year out testing "below average" in every subject and has now testing "class average" in most areas and "above average" in one. His speech is getting a lot better (Yay!) and they are now guessing he will be out of speech therapy this winter (they originally predicted 3 or 4 grade he is only in 1). He has a hard time
staying on task and not being a goof - small steps right?!

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