Since then he has been in speech therapy - minus one year that I felt was a waste so we stopped taking him, the place was 20 min away the traffic to get their was terrible and the teacher was not all that impressive and only made him work on him speech if he felt like it (waste of time!)
when he started Kinder last year he got the most amazing speech teacher. She was able to get him into the Scottish Right House ( the place developed by the monks:) - we were told that if we continued with the therapy as aggressively has we had been that by the time he was in 4th grade he should be caught up. At first I was so sad that it would take that long - but when I look back for me 4th grade was so very long ago, so
I knew it would be fine:)
He graduated at the center at the end of the summer because of how well he had progressed - His first grade teacher was unaware of any speech issues and was kind of shocked that he was on the speech list:)
He graduated from speech last week - he is all caught up! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and they said 4th grade, he only need until 1st - he is amazing